About Us
behind the scenes at Workforce Staffing Network
'WSN' is
Our goal is to provide the best information for the medical staffing industry. WSN coaching has reached a global level, with entrepreneurs starting a Healthcare staffing agency across the entire US as well as Europe and other countries. Our approach is simple yet direct using our vast experience as well as our keen eye for what works and what does not work.
Since 2006 WSN has been helping entrepreneurs expand and grow non franchise healthcare temp agencies
Our Manuals and Coaching is driven by our unique experience and out of the box techniques.
What we at WSN offer has created some of the largest healthcare staffing agencies in the industry
We stop at nothing
Be it a stand alone manual or our coaching series, we stop at nothing to provide top quality training.
We Really Enjoy Helping
It is our passion to bring to you easy to understand and direct methods to getting started.
We Take It Step-By-Step
WSN takes a step by step approach with our coaching as well as our individuals training manuals.
We Keep It Simple
At WSN we believe is using 20% of your effort to product 80% of your result.
Your Dream, Our Mission.
We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication
But WSN is known for our exclusive content, data, support tools, publications, we help both small start-up and larger corporate healthcare staffing firms to make better-informed decisions that improve business results and minimize risk. WSN headquartered in Southern California.
“Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.”
– Richard Branson.
about our services

Who Should Buy A WSN Coaching Package?
WSN Coaching: The need for cost effective self-paced online training has grown and WSN Coaching is now a strategic resource available to the entrepreneurs wanting to start their own medical staffing agency on a self-paced platform.
Since 2006 Workforce Staffing Network has delivered objective and focused training to the medical staffing entrepreneurs. Select from our list of packages or Contact us for more information,
important things you should know
Questions And Answers
Some of our clients have had huge success while others are simply happy with one contract. Most of our clients are extremely happy with the content and the experience we bring.
At WSN we pride ourselves with proven success methods, but we also remind our clients that nobody can guarantee success as too many variables can affect the outcome, but we can guarantee that our information and training has resulted in medical staffing agencies billing millions a year based on our training.
Our manuals and training are all created with mostly field experience as apposed to theory. You can expect our products to provide you insight and direct to the point training to start a non franchise healthcare temp agency.
Yes, our Platinum Membership does provide a one on one Coaching that we meet once a week for 12 weeks.
We always make ourselves available to help our Membership Clients via Schedules times or for quick answers to quesitons.
Members are always encouraged to first read through the material before scheduling our phone calls. That way you maximize the time we talk. But, we are always available to help our clients.
Our Medical Staffing Membership training is designed for both new or existing companies wanted to start or expand. We provide training and coaching services to start your own non franchise healthcare staffing agency within nursing, radiology, rehab, respiratory and other ancillary services. We currently do not provide training for locums (Physician staffing agency).
If you need direct one on one help I encourage you to grab the Platinum, but our most popular is the Silver Membership.